
  • Hey Jake, Thank you again for the fantastic insight & information today, again mate I’m not exaggerating when I say it’s been like a great weight has been lifted....


  • Do your dog a favour and book in now! After one session with Jake I have seen a difference in our training together. Introducing a clicker has been amazing, Betty's response time has dramatically improved and she is giving some solid outs on the ball - Finally!! Jake's knowledge on breaking things down and training approaches in general is amazing. It definitely gave me more motivation and confidence. You won't be sorry if you book in. A big thank you again!

    Rachel Philips

  • Thanks heaps for all of the work you've put in mate. She's a different dog.


  • I work closely with Jake and he is one of my mentors for IGP. Awesome bloke and trainer!

    Andrej from ZVER Canine